Long-Distance Hiking Trail GR-132 Stages 6 and 7
In this article, I describe stages 6 and 7 of the long-distance hiking trail GR-132 from Playa Rajita via Alajeró to Playa Santiago. On the small Canary Island of La Gomera, there are the long-distance hiking trails GR-131 and GR-132. While the GR-131 runs through the heights of the island, the GR-132 trail follows the coastline more or less parallel, with numerous ascents and descents through the many ravines. I have described my hike on the GR-131 from San Sebastián over the heights of La Gomera to Valle Gran Rey here. On my first attempt at circumnavigating the island, I went left around the island and have already described stage 8 San Sebastián – Playa Santiago on SiebenInseln.
I have described the first stage from San Sebastián to Hermigua here. You can find the second stage from Hermigua to Vallehermoso here. The third and fourth stages from Vallehermoso to Valle Gran Rey can be found here. And you can read about the fifth stage from Valle Gran Rey to Playa Rayita here.

As a reminder, here are all the stages once more: The long-distance hiking trail GR-132 is divided into the following officially signposted stages:
1.0 San Sebastián – Hermigua – approx. 26 kilometres
2.0 Hermigua – Vallehermoso – approx. 19 kilometres
3.0 Vallehermoso – Alojera 4.0 Alojera – Valle Gran Rey – together approx. 22 kilometres (3 and 4)
5.0 Valle Gran Rey – La Dama – approx. 18 kilometres
6.0 La Dama – Alajeró 7.0 Alajeró – Playa de Santiago – approx. 23 kilometres (6 and 7)
8.0 Playa de Santiago – San Sebastián – approx. 23 kilometres

General Information on Hiking GR-132 Stages 6 and 7 Playa Rajita via Alajeró to Playa Santiago
Starting Point and Access
You start your hike at the secluded beach of Playa Rajita. There is ample parking at the beach.
Access by car
You can reach Playa Rajita via the CV-17 through La Dama.
Alajeró can be reached from the coast via the island road GM-3 to the La Gomera airport and then via the CV-11. From the island centre, you can also travel to Alajeró on the CV-11. There is ample parking in the village.
Access by bus
Bus line 3 runs between San Sebastián and Alajeró, and with bus line 4, which runs between Vallehermoso and La Dama, you can reach La Dama and thus Playa Rajita. For more information, look here.
I am reluctant to give specific time estimates, as hiking is quite individual. We took 5 hours for the section from La Rajita to Alajeró. The descent from Alajeró to Playa Santiago can be done in 2-3 hours.

Elevation and Distance
The route is just over 23 kilometres long, with an elevation gain of nearly 1100 metres.

You are hiking on a well-established long-distance trail, where only at a few points should you have a head for heights and very good sure-footedness. However, due to the long distance and elevation gain, good fitness is essential.
There are almost no refreshment options between Playa Rajita and Alajeró. In the small hamlet of Arguayoda, friendly residents provided us with fresh water. You will find restaurants, bars, and shops in Alajeró and Playa Santiago. Be sure to bring enough water and possibly food for the hike.
Since I am combining stages 6 and 7 here, you can, of course, easily split them into two separate stages.

Hike on the GR-132 Stages 6 and 7
Hike GR-132 Stage 6 Playa Rajita to Alajeró
Section Playa Rajita to Barranco de la Negra
You start your hike at La Rajita beach and initially walk along Calle Damas away from the beach. After about 200 metres, the hiking trail turns right and crosses the ravine. Then the steep ascent begins with long switchbacks on the right side of the ravine. Once at the top, you can enjoy one last beautiful view of the beach and the sea. Then continue left on Calle Arguayoda.

You walk quite a long way on Calle Arguayoda heading north and eventually reach the hamlet of Arguayoda, which you pass by. From there, it continues uphill through terraced fields and past houses. You cross Calle Arguayoda again and then follow the trail slightly uphill. Afterwards, it goes slowly down a bit on the right side. You now enter the impressive Barranco de la Negra.
Section Barranco de la Negra to Los Almácigos
In my opinion, the hiking section through the Barranco de la Negra is definitely one of the most impressive of the entire tour on the GR-132. You hike for a long time with wonderful views into the green ravine with its steep cliffs. The paths in the vast Barranco are well-laid out and offer simply fantastic views. The Barranco is green and overgrown. And every now and then you even come across abandoned houses in this lonely area. The path leads you very far into the ravine.

You cross a side valley. Then it goes down into the Barranco, which you cross. And of course – as so often on this island circumnavigation – you climb up again on the other side of the ravine. Once at the top of the right side of the Barranco, you come to a path. Follow it to the left further uphill. After some time, the path turns to the right and passes by some rock houses at Los Almácigos.

Section Los Almácigos to Alajeró
There at Almácigos, you quickly reach a road, which you follow to the left. You walk on the road for a while. Then the GR-132 trail signposted leads downhill to the right into the next Barranco. I haven’t found out what the Barranco is called. But it is really beautiful. At the bottom of the Barranco, you will find large rock slabs and a small reservoir. Above the reservoir, you cross the Barranco.

On the other side, the hiking trail climbs steeply uphill towards Alajeró. Once at the top, you reach a road (Calle Zamora), which you follow straight for a long time. Eventually, you reach the first houses of Alajeró. Calle Zamora takes you further into and down the village. Passing the town hall, you go downhill into the centre of Alajeró on Calle Columba. Congratulations – you have completed stage 6 of the GR-132.
Hike GR-132 Stage 7 Alajeró to Playa Santiago
Section Alajeró to Trail Turn-off from Lugar Targa Road
You start your GR-132 stage 7 hike in Alajeró on the main street Calle Columba. You also cross the small ravine that runs through the village on this road. After a short time, you reach the CV-11 on the right, which leads from the island centre to the coast. Walk along it for a short time until you are almost out of Alajeró. Then a wide path turns off to the left, which you follow. This runs along terraced fields above the last houses of the village and the CV-11.

You walk through the terraced fields in a large arc downhill until you reach the Lugar Targa road. Here you keep to the left and continue briefly on the road. After a short time, the hiking trail turns right off the road downhill. This cuts off the further course of the road and you reach the Lugar Targa road again further down, which you follow to the left again. But after the first right turn, the hiking trail turns right off the road again.

Section Trail Turn-off from Lugar Targa Road to Playa Santiago
Now you walk for a long time below the road and the small hamlet of Lugar Targa through fields. The path here is also called El Camino de Santiago entre Volcanes. Along the way, you can still enjoy very nice views of the coast in front of you and Alajeró. Then you meet the wide Lugar Targa road again, which you now follow downhill in large switchbacks. After the interesting hiking section through the Barranco de la Negra in stage 6, this section now seems almost a bit dull and boring.

The hiking trail is wide and unmistakable. It leads you steadily down the wide Lugar Targa road towards the coast. Finally, you walk downhill over a ridge. The path is still Lugar Targa. This finally brings you to the GM-3 before Playa Santiago. Cross the GM-3 and walk straight down a street (Calle de Santiago Apóstol) into the centre of Playa Santiago. At the end of the path, you will be at the main square, the harbour, and the sea. Thus, you have also completed stage 7 of the GR-132. Perhaps you would like to reward yourself with a coffee, beer, or wine in a bar.

And finally
That was the last part of my description of hiking on the long-distance trail GR-132 – now you can hike around the island in one go or in stages, clockwise or anti-clockwise. I hope my description is helpful for you. Enjoy all your hikes.
Best wishes,
Dagmar from SiebenInseln