Challenging Hike around Pico Cho Marcial

Pico Marcial und der Grat aus der Höhe

From Güímar via Pico Cho Marcial to Cumbre Dorsal The hike around Pico Cho Marcial, which starts above the village of Güímar, is quite a strenuous hike with some minor climbing. It is therefore not suitable for everyone. You need to be in very good physical condition and be sure-footed and free from vertigo. But […]

Montaña Limón – big round hike and two-peak tour

Blick auf den Teide und die Kiefernwälder des Orotava Tals von der Montaña Limón

Hiking in the Orotava Valley and many trails around Montaña Limón The Orotava Valley offers you countless hiking possibilities. I have already described the well-known route Órganos Hightrail here on Seven Islands. Because of the numerous hiking trails, many hikes can also be combined very well and adapted to individual length preferences. Today I am […]