Since mid-March 2018, the Guergues Climb has been closed. The area probably belongs to the owners/goat farm Casas de Araza. At the moment I don’t know anything about the exact background. Already in the last few years the owner has objected to dogs (even on a leash) being brought onto the trail. Now he seems […]
Guergues Steig
Guergues Steig – Fascinating high-level hike over the Masca Gorge

Tenerife: Guergues trail one of the most popular hikes The Guergues Steig is the mountain ridge between the Barranco of Masca and the Barranco Natero. There the rock massif runs from the height of the Teno Mountains in a westerly direction towards the Atlantic Ocean. The entire mountain ridge can be walked on a footpath. […]