- Roque Imoque and Roque de los Brezos
- Barranco del Rey under the Roque de Imoque
- General information about the circular walk around the Roque Imoque
- Circular hike around the Roque Imoque
- Section parking near Arona to Barranco del Rey lower section
- Section Barranco del Rey to the saddle between Roque Imoque and Roque de los Brezos
- Section ascent of the Roque de los Brezos and the Roque Imoque
- Section Sattel Roque Imoque and Roque de los Brezos to Barranco del Rey Upper section
- Section Barranco del Rey to the starting point
- And finally
Roque Imoque and Roque de los Brezos
The Roque Imoque and the Roque de los Brezos are located in the south of Tenerife. And although the El Dorado of the hikers is rather in the north and on the island centre of Tenerife, this beautiful round tour attracts with wonderful views. In order not to have to travel far from the holiday residences in the south, this tour to the nearby mountains Moñtana de los Brezos is almost ideal for holidaymakers in Las Americas, Los Christianos or the other coastal resorts.

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Both peaks are located on the southern slopes of the Teide high above Los Christianos. The round tour starts in the district town of Arona at 630 metres above sea level and leads through the Barranco del Rey up to the saddle between the Roque Imoque and the Roque de los Brezos. Those who like can hike from the saddle to the peaks of the Imoque and Los Brezos mountains. And those who want to explore the Barranco del Rey more closely will also have the opportunity to do so on this circular hike. After the summits, the route goes around the entire Roque Imoque back to Arona.

Barranco del Rey under the Roque de Imoque
The upper part of the Barranco del Rey lies under the Roque de Imoque. It will be crossed by you on this round trip. But the Barranco del Rey offers so much that you should make a small detour to the upper part of the Barranco. Even if you don’t want to hike and just want to take a little walk, this is the right place for you. He can drive with the car almost to the Barranco edge and from there walk into the Barranco below the Roque Imoque. In the wide upper part of the gorge there are still many remains of once well laid out terrace fields and caves.

This part of the Barranco is said to have served the last indigenous people, the Guanches, as a retreat. There is enough water in the gorge. And there are many wild herbs and fruits. At the edges of the Barranco in the basalt walls there are many caves. Further down in the Barranco is a small spring (Fuente de las Pilas), which is indicated with signs. A little further on you can admire a huge throne rock. This is said to have served as a throne in the last Guanchen king. Whether all this is true or a legend, you may decide on the spot yourself. The landscape is impressive and stimulates the imagination.

General information about the circular walk around the Roque Imoque
Starting point and approach
Starting point is the small parking lot on the left side of the TF-51 (Calle Las Casas), which leads from Arona to Vilaflor. This signposted Roque Imoque hiking car park is just in front of the restaurant La Granja de Arona. It is a 10 minute walk from Arona (about 1.5 km).
Arrival by car
From the TF-1 motorway in the south, take the Arona exit and follow the TF-28 towards Arona. In La Camella turn left onto the TF-51 towards Arona. There are several parking spaces in front of the sign at the starting point. If you like, you can also park in Arona and walk to the starting point in 10 minutes.
Arrival by bus
There are several bus connections to Arona. The lines 342, 480 and 482 stop in Arona. Detailed information and further connections can be found on the Titsa homepage.
I don’t like to give general time information for hiking tours, because the times are very individual. Pure hiking time for the circular route with ascent of the Roque de los Brezos approx. 4 hours. For the ascent to the Roque Imoque another half hour is needed. And also for the side trip to the Barranco del Rey you will need half an hour.
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Difference in altitude and distance
From Arona (630m) it is up to the Roque de los Brezos (1108m) or Roque Imoque (1107m) about 480 altitude meters. The route is about 8 kilometres long. With ascent of the Roque de los Brezos it becomes approx. 8.5. Who still wants to climb the Roque Imoque or wants to hike in the Barranco del Rey, can calculate accordingly 1-2 kilometers more.
All in all it is a simple and well marked route. If you want to climb the Roque Imoque or the southern peak of the Roque de los Brezos, you should be free of vertigo and have some climbing skills. Also the Roque de Imoque requires climbing skills in the last part. The excursion to the Barranco del Rey is rather a relaxed walk.

There are restaurants, bars and shops in Arona. On the way back, the path passes the restaurant El Refugio. It is closed on Saturdays and from April for the summer break. More information on the homepage.
This tour can be combined with various other hikes and circular walks near Arona, Ifonche and Vilaflor. It can also be used as a circular walk in both directions. Small extensions are possible with the ascent of the Roque Imoque and the trip to the Barranco del Rey. The Roque del Conde is also in the immediate vicinity and its ascent can be easily combined with this tour.

Circular hike around the Roque Imoque
Section parking near Arona to Barranco del Rey lower section
The starting point for the hike around the Roque Imoque is the above described car park. If you like, you can visit the small district town of Arona before or after the hike. The village has been completely renovated in the old centre and offers magnificent views of the Atlantic Ocean, the southern coastal towns and the surrounding countryside from its streets and squares. But then it goes along the small road in front of the restaurant La Granja. After a short time the Camino del Topo branches off to the right, while you follow the Camino Suárez straight ahead. On this circuit there are no numbers at the signs, only the green and white signs.

On the left side you soon pass a ruin (Casa El Ancón). Here you can visit an old stone oven. In front of you lies the mighty Conde. You walk around the ruin and stand shortly after at the edge of the Barranco del Rey. A small path leads you steeply in some hairpin bends down to the Barranco Grund. When you have reached Barranco Grund, turn right.
After a few meters you will come to the right side of the Barranco where you have to climb steeply again in short serpentines. This point is a bit difficult to find as the green and white markings are washed out. The last time I was there in April 2018, this path was partially buried by a landslide. But with a little clambering you can get around the respective places.

Section Barranco del Rey to the saddle between Roque Imoque and Roque de los Brezos
Here you will meet the Barranco del Rey for the first time on the round trip. In the upper part you cross it back. There you can also take a short walk. But in the lower part you first keep to the left along the hiking trail along the Barranco edge. After a short time, the path joins the GR 131, which is marked in white and red. Follow the path uphill to the right. After about 15 minutes you reach the Degollada de los Frailitos at a height of 758 metres. Here on the saddle before the Conde you have a wonderful view of the south coast and in the other direction of the Roque Imoque and the Roque de los Brezos.

On the left the path continues in the direction of Conde. You continue uphill to the right. After about half an hour you reach an old threshing floor. There you can take a break and have a look at Casa Suárez and the surrounding terrace fields. This house gives the trail its name. It continues uphill on narrow but well laid out paths. After another half hour you will stand on the saddle (983 m) between the Roque Imoque and the Roque de los Brezos. On the saddle there is an old threshing floor. Here you can have a rest and enjoy beautiful views in all directions.

Section ascent of the Roque de los Brezos and the Roque Imoque
If you don’t just want to rest here, but also climb the peaks of the mountains, you have a double chance. In 20 minutes you can reach both the top of Roque Imoque and Roque de los Brezos. And if you still don’t have enough, you can climb to a summit south of the Roque de los Brezos.

On the Roque Imoque we first go straight ahead on a small narrow path. Up to the summit blog, the mountain is definitely feasible for sure-footed hikers. But then, shortly before the summit, you will reach a big summit blog, a kind of chimney. Here it goes on only for climbers free from giddiness. I admit that for me with dog at this place was always end, since I saw no possibility to carry the dog up here. But I saw some hikers climbing up there. And I think, that the view should be fantastic.

The ascent to the Roque de los Brezos (1108m) is easier and also possible with a dog. There you have a small path, which leads steeply from the saddle up to the summit, is clearly and unmistakably marked with green dots and stone figures. And from the Roque de los Brezos summit plateau you can also enjoy a wonderful panoramic view on a clear day. Paragliders float directly above you from the nearby Paraglide departure airport. At the top of the small summit plateau you will also discover a small Buddha with a little searching. Is he still there? If you still don’t have enough, you can climb further from here to a small southern peak of Roque de los Brezos.

Section Sattel Roque Imoque and Roque de los Brezos to Barranco del Rey Upper section
On the other side of the saddle, the trail leads past a ruined house. The clearly marked path takes you down to the upper part of Barranco del Rey. Here the Barranco continues. There are terrace fields and caves to visit. When you have reached the Barranco Ground, a side trip through the Barranco is worthwhile. If you follow the Barranco Ground downhill, you first come to the Fuente de las Pilas. Here is a small spring where flowers and bushes are beautifully planted.

Someone seems to walk down here regularly and take care of the spring and its surroundings. A little further along the left edge of the basalt wall you come to the stone that was the throne of the Guanche king. A small path leads up to the left. If you continue to follow the Barranco Ground, you will soon come to a narrow point, a steep abyss. Here it goes on at most for climbers. But the walk is over. You walk up the same path again in Barranco del Rey until you reach the path where you descended into Barranco.

Section Barranco del Rey to the starting point
Now you climb up the hiking trail on the other side of the Barranco again. At the top you have to climb over some old water channels and then stand on a wide road. By the way, this is also the starting point for people who want to go for a walk alone in the Barranco del Rey. On the road, keep right and follow the path on the left side of the Barranco. Now you can see the Roque Imoque from another side. A short time later you pass the restaurant “El Refugio”. Then the path gets narrower. From here it is called Camino del Topo. The Camino del Topo is a narrow and quite washed-out path on which you now go downhill towards Arona.

Often you cross water pipes and water channels on the path that continues along the left Barranco side. After 20 minutes you reach a ruin again and see Arona and the Conde again quite close to it. After another half hour you reach the crossroads with the Camino Suárez (marked by the white line on the track). From here I walked once more in an arc directly along the Barranco edge to have a look from the height on the buried ascent path. But also this path leads back to the starting path. From there you are at the starting point in no time at all.

And finally
I hope that you enjoyed this circular hike. Take your time for the little detour in the upper part of the Barranco del Rey. From my point of view it is really worthwhile. But be careful at the end of the path at the edge of the abort. Have fun hiking,
Dagmar von SiebenInseln
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